Jamaican Ginger Bulla Cake

A Jamaican Bulla Cake is a warmly spiced sweet treat that is normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.

Bulla cakes are so easy to make, like, mind-blowingly easy. It is naturally an eggless dough and typically includes butter to add moisture. I used avocado oil instead and you really can’t tell the difference.

Bulla cakes are normally spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg which pairs incredibly well with the heat from ginger. While this flavor combo is top tier, bulla cakes can also be banana, coconut, or pineapple flavored.

Jamaican bullas are made from inexpensive ingredients (flour, brown sugar, molasses etc.) and have a fairly long shelf life. These are just a few reasons why bullas are so widely loved by Jamaicans. So, enough chit-chat, let’s get into this bulla cake recipe.

Ingredients you will need:

Vegan buttermilk– I love adding this to my baked goods because it makes them have a really fluffy texture. I make it by adding apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to a protein rich milk like soy milk or cashew milk.

All-purpose flour- This is an inexpensive and accessible type of flour. You can use cake flour, counter flour instead if you like.

Baking soda– reacts to the vegan buttermilk and leavens the bulla cake.

Molasses- adds the characteristic brown colour to this dessert.

Ginger- adds a warm and cozy flavor to the bullas.

Vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt– adds and enhances flavors.

Oil- adds moisture and prevents a crumbly texture.

These Jamaican Ginger Bulla cakes are warmly spiced sweet treats that are normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.

How to make Jamaican Bulla cakes

Grease a baking tray and dust it with flour.

Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).

Make vegan buttermilk

These Jamaican Ginger Bulla cakes are warmly spiced sweet treats that are normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.

Prepare your dry ingredients

These Jamaican Ginger Bulla cakes are warmly spiced sweet treats that are normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.

In another bowl, prepare your wet ingredients

These Jamaican Ginger Bulla cakes are warmly spiced sweet treats that are normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.

Make a well in the middle of your dry ingredients and slowly incorporate your wet ingredients. Combine until a sticky dough is formed.

These Jamaican Ginger Bulla cakes are warmly spiced sweet treats that are normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.

Transfer the dough to a floured surface, dust your hands with flour and knead dough until a smooth ball is formed.

These Jamaican Ginger Bulla cakes are warmly spiced sweet treats that are normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.

Dust a rolling pin with flour and roll the dough ball until it is about an ½ inch thick.

These Jamaican Ginger Bulla cakes are warmly spiced sweet treats that are normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.

Using a bowl or a biscuit/cookie cutter, cut the bullas out in circles.

Bulla cakes cut in circles on the baking tray

Bake the bullas in the oven for 15-20 minutes until golden brown or a skewer comes out of the center clean.

You can serve hot or wait until cooled with your desired pairing.

Substitutions and variations to this Bulla Cake recipe

Flour- You can attempt to make this recipe with whole wheat flour or whole grain spelt flour. If you do, let me know how it goes!

Flavors- You can add a teaspoon of banana, pineapple, or coconut extract to add another dimension of flavor to this ginger bulla. If you’re not a fan of ginger, you can substitute the ginger for either one of these extracts.

How to store this recipe

Store your bulla cakes on the counter for 4-5 days in a sealed container.

These Jamaican Ginger Bulla cakes are warmly spiced sweet treats that are normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.
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Jamaican Ginger Bulla Cake

These Jamaican Ginger Bulla cakes are warmly spiced sweet treats that are normally eaten as a snack or at lunch time. Jamaicans love to pair bullas with cheese or avocado and both are uniquely delicious.
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Course: Lunch, Snack
Cuisine: Jamaican
Keyword: Bulla cake recipe, Jamaican, Jamaican bulla cake
Servings: 9
Author: Leondra Madden


  • 4 cups all purpose flour 480g
  • 1 ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg freshly grated
  • ½ cup plant-based milk
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons ginger freshly grated
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • ¾ cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon molasses
  • 3 tablespoons avocado oil extra virgin


  • First off, grease a baking tray and dust it with flour to prevent the bullas from sticking to it while baking.
  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).
  • Make vegan buttermilk by adding one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to ½ cup of plant-based milk. Set aside for ten minutes, it should appear lumpy.
  • Prepare your dry ingredients by sifting flour and baking soda together in a large bowl. To this mixture, add ground cinnamon, salt, and nutmeg. Whisk these ingredients together until evenly distributed.
  • In another bowl, prepare your wet ingredients by combining vegan buttermilk, sugar, ginger, vanilla, and molasses.
  • Make a well in the middle of your dry ingredients and slowly incorporate your wet ingredients. Combine until a sticky dough is formed.
  • Transfer the dough to a floured surface, dust your hands with flour and knead dough until a smooth ball is formed.
  • Dust a rolling pin with flour and roll the dough ball until it is about an ½ inch thick. Bear in mind that they will rise in the oven.
  • If your dough is sticking to the surface or your hands, sprinkle on just a little bit of flour at a time to prevent the dough from getting too dry.
  • Using a bowl or a biscuit/cookie cutter, cut the bullas out in circles. You can use the excess dough to form more bullas by kneading and rolling it out again until all or most of your dough is used up.
  • Add your bulla cakes to a baking tray, if you want them to remain perfectly round, leave enough room between each bulla on the tray.
  • Bake the bullas in the oven for 15-20 minutes until golden brown or a skewer comes out of the center clean.
  • You can serve hot or wait until cooled with your desired pairing.

If you make this recipe, let me know how it goes by leaving a rating and comment below

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